

Michael Nassif

United States of America

Upcoming Classes

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Accredited / Licensed Courses

This Member Organization has the capability to offer the following ICAgile-accredited courses.

Certification Class Track Course Description Delivery Method
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Leading Agile Teams into the Future with Heart and Purpose Agile Team Coaching Leading Agile Teams into the Future with Heart and Purpose explores helping people and organizations better adapt in our increasingly complex, disruptive and turbulent world. To meet this challenging environment, leaders and teams must go inward, be still, present and fully engaged. They must be able to sense and respond to the call of emerging trends as they unfold, bring out the very best in people, and uncover the invisible forces within systems that hold agility back. We will delve into a heart-centered and purpose-forward approach to unlocking the full potential of our teams and organizations in our modern era. Remote