

Lisa Sandberg


Upcoming Classes

Select a listing to learn more about an upcoming class.

Date Certification Class Track Location
May 21, 2024
09:00 AM CEST
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation Agile Team Facilitation (in Swedish) Agile Team Coaching Stockholm, Sweden
May 28, 2024
09:00 AM CEST
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Professional Agile Coach (ICP-ACC) (in Swedish) Agile Team Coaching Stockholm, Sweden

Accredited / Licensed Courses

This Member Organization has the capability to offer the following ICAgile-accredited courses.

Certification Class Track Course Description Delivery Method
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Professional Agile Coach Agile Team Coaching This course is designed to help you take your agile coaching to the next level. You will get a large set of tools to be used in your role as a professional agile coach and the ability to adapt your coaching to the needs of your team(s) or organisation(s). Two or more instructors from ProAgile will co-train this course. All instructors are also experienced coaches. They spend most of their time guiding customers through their agile improvement journeys. In this course they will share their best tips and tricks from the field. This course is highly interactive. We mix short presentations with discussions and exercises. No power point slides are used. During the course you will create a personal coaching plan. The plan summarizes ideas on personal development as well as hands on steps to take directly after the training. Remote
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation Agile Team Facilitation Agile Team Coaching Agile Team Facilitation Remote
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Coaching Professional Agile Coach (ICP-ACC) Agile Team Coaching This course is designed to help you take your agile coaching to the next level. You will get a large set of tools to be used in your role as a professional agile coach and the ability to adapt your coaching to the needs of your team(s) or organisation(s). Two or more instructors from ProAgile will co-train this course. All instructors are also experienced coaches. They spend most of their time guiding customers through their agile improvement journeys. In this course they will share their best tips and tricks from the field. This course is highly interactive. We mix short presentations with discussions and exercises. No power point slides are used. During the course you will create a personal coaching plan. The plan summarizes ideas on personal development as well as hands on steps to take directly after the training. In Person
ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation Agile Team Facilitation Agile Team Coaching Agile Team Facilitation (ICP-ATF) In Person