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Upcoming Classes

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Accredited / Licensed Courses

This Member Organization has the capability to offer the following ICAgile-accredited courses.

Certification Class Track Course Description Delivery Method
ICAgile Certified Professional Certified Agile Professional Training Agile Fundamentals Fundamental course, aimed on creating basis of Agile mindset and developing it by individuals and organizations. Course includes: - Understanding values and principals of agile approach - Different ways of agile transformation - Special aspects of culture and habits in agile organizations - Scrum and kanban - frameworks to start with Agile In Person
ICAgile Certified Professional Certified Agile Professional Training Agile Fundamentals Fundamental course, aimed on creating basis of Agile mindset and developing it by individuals and organizations. Course includes: - Understanding values and principals of agile approach - Different ways of agile transformation - Special aspects of culture and habits in agile organizations - Scrum and kanban - frameworks to start with Agile Remote